지구의 벗 오스트레일리아 지부·오스트레일리아평화위원회, 플루토늄 액션 히로시마. "폐지 2000(Abolition 2000)"의 북핵위기의 평화적 해결을 촉구하는 서한

[서한 국문요약]

한반도핵무기로 파생된 문제는 평화적으로 해결 촉구

서명한 단체와 의원은
-군사적 해결과 정권교체는 고려대상에서 빼고, 동등한 기반에서 모든 당사자들이 복지와 안보를 촉진할 수 있는 그리고 한반도에서 긴장을 제거할 수 있는 해결책을 믿는다.
-북한의 핵병력의 크기와 능력이 무엇이든지 그것은 미국의 8,000-12,000개의 핵탄두...와 비교할 수 없다.
-북한이 자국을 방위하는 것은 이해할 만하다. 그러나 북한의 핵능력은 남한, 일본, 타이완의 핵능력 추구로 나타날 것이기에 핵비확산은 심각한 위협에 직면할 것이다. 핵확산은 예방되어야 한다. 한반도 비핵화는 필수적이다.
-힘의 사용 시도, 제재, 제재위협, 정권 교체, 이와 같은 논의는  한반도 비핵화의 가능성을 막을 뿐만 아니라 완전한 재난으로 나타날 수 있다. 이런 위협은 북한이 핵병기를 보유하도록 이끌 뿐 만 아니라 실제적으로 핵병기의 사용을 이끌 수 있다.
-한반도에서 재래전조차 파국적일 수 있다. 남한에 수많은 핵발전소의 존재는 재래식 분쟁에서 조차 파국적 결과를 초래할 수 있음을 의미한다.
-서명한 단체들은 (핵)확산문제의 해결할 수 있는 유일한 길은 미국과 타 핵보유국들이 NPT  4항하에 비핵화 조항을 준수하는 것이다. 핵국가의 이중적 잣대는 핵무기와 함께 제거되어야만 한다. 미국의 핵무기보유는 북한 병기를 위한 가장 강력한 동기를 제공하고 있다. 북한 뿐 만 아니라 미국도 NPT의무를 지켜야 한다.
-우리는 미정부가 군사력 사용이나 군사적 행동을 이끌 방안을 선택하지 말 것을 촉구한다.
 북한의 불가침 조약은 한반도에 긴장을 감소할 수 있는 합리적인 요구라고 믿는다.

[영문 편지와 서명자 명단]











Dear President Bush, President Kim Jong-Il, PresidentHu Jintao, President Putin, Prime Minister Koizumi, Prime Minister John Howard, Secretaries of State and Foreign Ministers,

The undersigned organisations, representing millions of people, are writing to you to urge that a peaceful solution be reached to the problems posed by the possible existence of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.

We believe strongly that talk of military solutions and `regime change` must be firmly removed from consideration, and a solution arrived at that promotes the well-being and security of all parties on an equal basis, and that contributes to the elimination of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

It must also be borne in mind that whatever the size and capabilities of the DPRK nuclear arsenal, it in no way remotely compares with the 8-12,000 warheads of the US arsenal, the approximately 22,000 warheads of the Russian arsenal, the roughly 400 warheads held by China and France, the 200-400 held by Israel, the 150-200 held by the UK, nor even with the arsenals held by India and Pakistan. The DPRK has from at least 1956, faced the threat of US nuclear weapons and up to 100 tactical nuclear warheads were stationed south of the DMZ until at least 1991.

The desire of the DPRK to defend itself may be understandable. Nonetheless, a DPRK nuclear capability could lead to the early  pursuit of nuclear capabilities by the RoK, Japan and Taiwan, putting  the global framework of nuclear nonproliferation in grave jeopardy. Further nuclear proliferation must be prevented. A return to a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula is not at all an empty dream, but a vital necessity.

However it is the strong belief of the undersigned organisations that attempts to use force, sanctions, threats of sanctions, `regime change`, or talk of such measures not only bear no possibility of producing a peaceful and nuclear free Korean Peninsula, but run a real risk of complete catastrophe. Threats of this kind, as the DPRK itself has repeatedly made clear, will induce the DPRK not only to retain and to augment its nuclear arsenal, but may induce it to actually contemplate its use.

Even a conventional war on the Korean Penninsula, which would almost certainly result from military action, would be catastrophic. Some 4 million people are said to have died in the 1950-53 Korean War,  while up to 10 million people are unable to visit families because of the border.  The existence of a large number of nuclear power plants in the RoK would mean that even a conventional conflict could be catastrophic in its consequences.

The undersigned organisations believe that the only way to solve the proliferation problem is for the US and the other nuclear weapon states to finally make good on their nuclear disarmament commitments under Article VI of the NPT. The double standard regarding their ownership must be eliminated along with the weapons themselves. The ownership of nuclear weapons by the US is in itself the most powerful motivator for a DPRK arsenal, whatever its real capabilities.  It is vital, not only that the DPRK uphold and not withdraw from the NPT, but that the US abide by its NPT obligations.  The US cannot ask the DPRK to respect the NPT when US plans to develop new nuclear weapons types violate its clear Article VI obligations.

Estimates of DPRK capabilities vary, but it seems reasonable to suggest that if it does not now have at least a rudimentary nuclear arsenal, it soon will have. It is prudent to make the most pessimistic assumptions in assessing the risks of any course of action, and not to assume that DPRK claims are `bluff`.

Accordingly, we can only conclude that the risk of nuclear weapons actually being used,  is such that military options,  or options that could eventually lead to military options,  should be decisively removed from consideration and be demonstrably taken off the menu of possibilities. In this case even the very contemplation of such options creates a very real risk of a `pre-preemptive strike`.

We absolutely urge the US administration to desist from the contemplation of military options or of any option that might lead to military action.

We urge the US administration to signal to the DPRK by its own actions, that will encourage the DPRK to enter into real engagement with the RoK, with Japan, with Russia and China, and with the US itself, that will lead to an overall reduction of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  The DPRK has asked the US for a nonaggression pact. We believe this is a reasonable request that would lead to a genuine reduction of tensions in the peninsula.

We are firmly of the belief that this is not merely a realistic option, but that it is the ONLY realistic option.

If the US is serious about  discouraging nuclear proliferation worldwide, the single most vital thing it must do is live up to its own obligations under article VI of the NPT, to accomplish the total and unequivocal elimination of its own vast nuclear arsenal.

There is a clear choice:

On the one hand, peace on the Korean Peninsula.

On the other side, a continued increase in tensions, a continued increase in both conventional and nuclear arsenals, and finally a disastrous resort to military action that risks the use of nuclear weapons against Korean, Japanese, or possibly US, cities.

The choice is clear. We urge you to choose peace.



Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, President, Mayors for Peace, (547Cities in 107 countries), Hiroshima, Japan,
Emma Mc Gregor-Mento, Outreach and Development Coordinator, Abolition-2000, (2000 organisations), NY, USA,
Ron Mc Coy, President,  John Loretz,  Program Director,Dr Mary Wynne-Ashford, Past President,  International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Cambridge MA,  USA,
Dr Hermann Spanjaard, Vice President, IPPNW-Europe, Utrecht, Neth,
Regina Hagen, International Network of Scientists and Engineers Against Proliferation (INESAP), Darmstadt, Germany,
Bruce K. Gagnon, GLOBENET, Brunswick ME, USA,

Ricardo Navarro, Chair, Friends of the Earth International (FOEI), El Salvador,
Pol D` Huyvetter, For Mother Earth International, Ghent, Belgium,
Peer de Rijk, World Information Service on Energy (WISE) Amsterdam,
Colin Archer, Secretary-General, Victor de La Barera,  International Peace Bureau (IPB), Geneva,
Thanasis Pafilis,Secy,  World Peace Council (WPC), Greece,
Cora Weiss, President,  Hague Appeal for Peace, (HAP),  NY USA, 
Rhianna Tyson, Project Associate, Reaching Critical Will, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, (WILPF), United Nations, NY, USA,
Silvi Sterr, International Secretary, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Geneva,
Yumi Kikuchi, Founder Global Peace Campaign, Japan,
Steve Leeper, Global Peacemakers Association, Hiroshima, Japan,
Bahig Nassar,  Coordinator, Arab Coordination Center of  NGOs, Egypt,
Vijay Mehta - World Disarmament Campaign, LOND, UK,
Ehile Manasseh, International Centre for Regional and Ethnic Conflict Resolution (ICRECR) Nigeria,
Charles Merceica, President, International Association of Educators for Peace, Huntsville, Ala, USA,
Carol Rosin, President, Institute for Cooperation in Space, Calif USA/Vancouver Canada,  
Karen Talbot, International Council for Peace and Justice, San Francisco, Calif,
Wilbert Van Der Zeijden, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, Neth,
Joan Russow, Global Compliance Project, BC, Canada,
Lorraine Krofchock, Grandmothers for Peace International, Elk Grove Calif,
Glenn D. Paige, Centre for Global Nonviolence, Honululu,
Ahmad Souessi, Director, Nord-Sud, Geneva,
David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF), Santa Barbara, Calif,
Douglas Mattern, President, Association of World Citizens, San Francisco,
Seong Hoon-Lee, Pax Romana ICMICA, Geneva,
Dr Mohamed El Anouar Koutchoukali, Secy-General, Justitia Universalis, Hague, Neth,
Patti Willis, Pacific Campaign for Disarmament & Security (Japan, Canada, United States)


Sandy Silver, Damien de Lu, Co-Presidents, WILPF-USA, Philadelphia,
Peter Weiss, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP), NY,
Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington, USA,
Martin Butcher, Director of Security Programs,   Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Washington DC USA ,
Robert M. Gould MD, President,  Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) San Francisco, Calif, USA,
Peter Wilk, PSR-Maine, Portland Maine,
Alice Slater, Global Resource and Action Centre for the Environment (GRACE) NY, USA,
Marylia Kelley Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), Livermore, Ca,
Carol S. Wolman, MD,  Mendocino Peace Action Group, Calif, USA
Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space (Globenet), Maine, USA,
Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington DC,
Bill Smirnow, Nuclear Free New York, Huntington, New York, USA,
Pamela Meidell, Atomic Mirror, Port Hueneme, Calif,
Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation (WSLF), Oakland, Calif,
Shiela Baker, Vandenberg Watch, San Luis Obispo, Calif, USA,
Mark D. Stansbery, For Mother Earth (USA), Columbus Ohio,
Mary Olson, NIRS, North Carolina,
Wenona Hauter, Public Citizen,
Kalynda, Shundahai Network, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group, Albuquerque, NM,
Harvey Wasserman, Citizens Protecting Ohio, Bexley, Ohio,
John La Forge, NUKEWATCH, Wisconsin USA,  
Jack Cohen-Joppa, Nuclear Resister,
Leslie Kagan, United for Peace and Justice, (600 US Organisations) NY,
Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council, New Haven, Conn, USA,
Alfred L. Marder, City of New Haven Peace Commission, New Haven, USA,
Marj Wunder, Chair, Minneapolis/Hiroshima Friendship Cities,
James Boland, Peace Resource Centre, Wilmington College, Ohio,
David Hartsough, Peaceworkers, San Francisco, Calif,
Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action, Silver Spring MD,
Bill Towe, North Carolina Peace Action,
Bill Towe, North Carolina Peace Action Education Fund,
David Agnew, Cape Codders for Peace and Justice, Mass,
Spirit Eagle, Orcas Peace Alliance, Wash, USA,
Justine Cooper, Peace House, Ashland, Ore,
Peter Bergel, Oregon Peace Works, Salem, Ore,
Yael Martin, Promoting Enduring Peace, Milford, Ct,
Alan D. Moore, Musicians and Artists for World Peace, Vallejo, Ca,
Diane Bader, Grandmothers for Peace, Wilton, CA,
Molly Johnston, Grandmothers for Peace/San Luis Obispo Chapter,
Rochelle Becker, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Pismo Bch Calif,
Jenna Foran, Earth Action, Amherst, MA,
Scott Chaplin, Stepstone Centre, Colorado,
Gar Smith, The Edge, Berkley, Ca,
Women In Black, Colville, Wa,
Leuren Moret, Scientists for Indigenous People, Berkley, Calif,
Sandra Lindberg, No New Nukes, Bloomington, Il,
Judith H. Johnsrud, Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power, Penn, USA,
Bruce A. Drew, Prairie Island Coalition,  Minn,
Greg Wingard, Waste Action Project, Seattle,
Mitzi & Peter Bowman, Don`t Waste Connecticut, New Haven, Ct,
Fred & Sue Fracke, Citizens Against Hazardous and Nuclear Waste, Sugarloaf, Penn,
Ethel Tobach, President, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, US Psychological Association, 
Bob Kinsey, Peace and Justice Task Force, Rocky Mountain Conference, United Church of Christ, Boulder Colo,
Dave Robinson, Pax Christi, USA,
Jean Maloney, Susan Baldus, Maryknoll Sisters, NY,
Ned Stove, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Washington,
Rev. Howard Lee Kilby, Zen Centre of Hot Springs, Ar,
Sheldon Nedile, Planetary Activation Organisation, Maui, Hawaii,
Bill Pfieffer, Sacred Earth Network, Amherst, Ma,
Andrew Hund, Coordinator, Alaska/Arctic Environmental Defence, Anchorage, Alaska,
Rev. Richard K. Heacock, Alaska-IMPACT, Fairbanks,
North American Water Office,  Lake Elmo, Minn,
Srikumar Poddar, India Foundation, Lansing, Michigan,
Mayurka Poddar, Seva International, Okemos, Michigan,
Dr K.S. Sripada Raju, Vaishnava Centre for Enlightenment, Okemos, Mich,
Steve Malkus, Project Catalyst,
Dick Bennett, OMNI Centre for Peace, Justice, and Ecology, Fayetteville, Ar,
Charles Bazerman, UCSB Campus Community Peace Group,
John Kim, Veterans for Peace, -Korea Peace Campaign, USA,
Scott Kenneddy, Vice-Mayor, City of Santa Cruz,
Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange, San Francisco,
Catherine Dishion, UNA-USA Santa Barbara Chapter,
Marc Mc Ginnes, Peaceful Relations Institute, Santa Barbara, Calif,
Jonathan Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia, USA,
Alan Muller, Green Delaware, Del,
David Crockett Williams, Global Emergency Alert Response, Techahapi, Calif,
Gregory Wright, WRIGHT THINKING, Calif,
Sharon Abreu, Exec Director, Irthlingz, Eastsound, Wash,
Jeanie Keltner, `Because People Matter`, Calif State Uni, Sacramento, Calif,
Voices in the Wilderness, Chicago, Ill,
Gar Smith, Environmentalists Against War, San Francisco,
Genivieve Vaughan, International Feminists for a Gift Economy, Austin, Texas,

Alan Connelly MD, President, Joanna Santa Barbara, Past President, Physicians for Global Survival (PGS),
Alan F. Philips, Hamilton Chapter PGS, Hamilton, Canada,
Dr Ross Wilcox, PGS Woodstock, Canada,
Darrell Rankin, Canadian Peace Alliance,
Rene Silva, Canadian Committee to Combat Crimes Against Humanity, Montreal, Quebec,
Kira Van Deusen, Foundation for Siberian Culture and Native Exchange, Vancouver, BC,
Jennifer Alan Simons, Simons Foundation, Vancouver BC,
David Morgan, Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, (VANA), Vancouver BC,
Aleta Cooper, Mon Unity League, Vancouver BC,
Svend-Robinson MP, NDP Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Ottawa,
Libby Davies,  MP Vancouver-East, Hs of Commons, Ottawa, Canada,   

Carol Naughton, Chair, CND, Lond,
Jenny Maxwell, West Midlands CND,Birmingham UK,
Jacqui Darbyshire, Greater Mancester and District CND,
Anna Cheetham, Co-Chair, Leicester CND,
Reuben Ralph, Woking CND, Woking Surrey,
Patricia Pulham, Coordinator, Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CCND), London, UK,
Janet Laycock/Barbara Hardcastle, Wallasey CND, UK,
Jill Stallard, CND-Cymru, Wales,
Diana Frances,  Co-Chair, Stop The War Coalition, Bath UK,
George Farebrother, World Court Project, UK,
Anni Rainbow/Lindis Percy, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB), Yorks, UK,
Angie Zelter, Reforest the Earth, Cromer, Norfolk, UK,
Sian Jones, Aldermaston Womens Peace Group, Aldermaston, Berks,
Di Mc Donald, Nuclear Information Service, Southampton, UK,
Claire Poyner, Abolition2000 UK, Lond, UK,
Elizabeth Compton, Fellowship of Reconciliation England, Kettering, UK,
Dave Parry, Fellowship of Reconciliation Scotland,
Diana Rhodes, Seed of Life Peace Foundation, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales,
Ralph Ryder, Communities Against Toxics, Cheshire, UK,
Peter J. Davies, UN Rep, `Saferworld`, UK,  
Frank Cook MP, House of Commons Lond, Fmr Chair, NATO Parliamentary Assembly,
Alice Mahon MP Member for Halifax, House of Commons, Lond,
David Chaytor MP, Member for Bury North, Hs of Commons, London,
Alan Simpson MP, House of Commons, Lond,
Dr Caroline Lucas, MEP Greens, SE England,

Prof. Alexey Yablokov, President, Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow, Russia,
Vladimir Slivyak, ECODEFENSE, Moscow,
Dr Vyasheslav Sharov, Hanford/Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russia,
Andrei Laletin, Friends of the Siberian Forests, 
Jennie Sutton, Baikal Environmental Wave, Irkutsk, Russia,
Roman Dolgov, IPPNW-Russia,
Sergey Kolesnikov MP, Duma Member, Vice Pres, IPPNW-Russia,

Ilya Trombitsky, BIOTICA Ecological Society, Moldova,
Pavlo Khazan, Friends of the Earth Ukraine,
Serghiy Fedoryncyk, Zelenyi Zvit (Green World) Kiev, Ukraine,
Alla Shevchuck, Social-Ecological Union Odessa, Ukr,
George Abulashvili,  Director,  EEC-Georgia, Tblisi, Georgia,

Egidijus Vareikis MP, Lithuania,
Jan Beranek,  WISE-Brno, Czech Republic,

Sibenii Pacifisti, Sibiu,
Holocaust Compact Information Centre, Sibiu, Romania,
Casa Europeii, Sibiu, Romania,
Romanian Peace Association,
Constantin Cretu,  President,  `Carpathians Genius`, Bucharest,
Grandmothers for Peace Romania,
Aurel Duta, MAMA TERRA/For Mother Earth Romania, Bucharest,
Liana Ceterchi Women`s Theatre Association IF.../DACA...PENTRU FEMEI-Bucharest, Romania

Milena Bokova, TIME-Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria,

Association of Citizens for Reconciliation, Osijek, Croatia,
PALISOOD, Osijek, Croatia,
Iadranka Pelikan, NGO Eko-Zadar, Zadar, Croatia,

Darijo Lazic, Human Rights Education Youth Program, Republica Serbska,
Darijo Lazic, National Youth Council, Republica Serbska,
Mladen Karic, President, Union of Carrier-Pigeons, Banja Luka, Republica Serbska, Bosnia/Herzegovinia,   

Harry Van Bommell, MP, Netherlands,
Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, Hague,
Karel Koster Project on European Nuclear Nonproliferation (PENN) 
Martin Brock, Campagne Tegen Wapenhandel, Amst,
Christian Ernsten, Alert! Groningen, Groningen, Neth,
Carolien Van De Stadt,  Hannah Deeman-Volcker,  WILPF-Netherlands,
Wilbert Helsloot, VIA-NL (SCI-Netherlands),   Amsterdam,

Eloi Glorieux  MP, Greens, Belgium,
Michael Maertens, (fmr Senator) President, IPU-Belgium/Korea
Edith Klein, European Commission, Brussells,

Jean-Marie Matagne, President, Action des Citoyens pour le Desarmement Nucleaire, (ACDN), Fr,
Dominique Lalanne, Stop Essais/Abolish Nuclear Weapons,
Paul Lannoye MEP, Greens, France/Brussells,

Michele di Paolantonio MD, IPPNW Italy,
Mr Christione Francesini, President, ASSOKIPLING, Florence, Italy,
Roberto Del Bianco, Peace-Link,  Taranto,  Italy,
Dr Fulgida Barattoni, President, International Peace Bureau-Italy
Luisa Morgantini MEP, Italy,

Jordi Armadans, Fundacio per la Pau, Sp,
Joseph M. Cachia, Malta Social Forum, Malta,

Eva Quistorp/Reta Kaur,  Women for Peace,
Eva Quistorp, International Peace Bureau (IPB) Germany,
Bernd Frieboese, BARSEBAEKSOFFENSIV Germany,
Regina Hagen, Darmstadter Friedensforum, Darmstadt, Germany,
Wolfgang Hertle, Archiv Aktiv,
Roland Blach, Non-Violent Action to Abolish Nukes, Kornwesthiem,
Roland Blach, German Peace Society Baden-Wurtemburg, Stuttgart,
Kai Uwe-Dosch, Deutsche Friedensgesselschaft Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegen Innen, Hamm,
Jurgen Grasslin, Speaker, German Peace Society/United War Resisters, Velbert, Germany,
Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck, Friedens und Begegnungstaette Mutlangen e.V.,
Dr Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, MEP, PDS(GUE/NGL) Germany
Benjamin Hoff MP State of Berlin, (PDS)
Dr Frank Thiel, MP, Saxony-Anhalt (PDS) Magdeburg,

Dr Hans Koechler, President, International Progress Organisation, Vienna,
Anreas Pecha, Austrian Peace Council, Vienna,

Bent Natvig, Norwegian Pugwash Committee, Oslo,
Stine Rodmyr, Nei Til Atomvapen, Oslo, Norway,
Bjorn Hildt, IPPNW Norway, Trondhiem, Norway.
Hallgeir H. Langeland MP,

Barbara Bradefors, Chair, Swedish Peace Committee, Stockholm,
Teema Matinpuro, Finnish Peace Committee,

Finn and Tove Eckmann, Liason Committee for Peace and Security, Copenhagen Denmark,
Annelise Ebbe, WILPF-Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Poul Eck Sorensen, Peace Movement of Esbjerg, Esbjerg, Denmark,

Thor Magnusson, Peace-2000 Insititute, Reykjavik, Iceland,
Jean-Luc Riond, IPPNW-Switzerland, Basel, Switz,

Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, President,  Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental Protection, Nagpur, India,
Admiral Ramdas, Mrs Lalita Ramdas Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament (CNDP),
Admiral Ramdas, Mrs Lalita Ramdas, Peace India,
Admiral Ramdas, Mrs Lalita Ramdas, Pakistan-India Peoples Forum for Peace and Democracy,
Harsh Kapoor, South Asians Against Nukes,
Indu Prakash Singh, Action Aid India, New Delhi,
J. Sri Raman, Movement Against Nuclear Weapons (MANW), Chennai, India,
Sukla Sen, EKTA, (Committee for Communal Amity) Mumbai (Bombay)
Neingulo Krome, Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR), Kohima, Nagaland,
Anjali Daimari, Boro Womens Justice Forum, Guwahati, Assam,
Pascal Alan Nazereth, Sarvodaya International Trust, Bangalore,
Leo F. Saldhana,  Environment Support Group, Bangalore,
Vasant Kumar Bawa, Shanti Foundation, Hyderabad, India,
Dr Vikram Vyas, Ajit Foundation, Jaipur
Dr George Thomas,  Physicians for Peace, Chennai, TN,
International School of Humanitarian Thoughts and Practice, Rajghat, Kurukshetra, Haryana, INDIA
Asia-Pacific Human Rights Network, New Delhi,
Souparna Lahiri, Delhi Forum, Malaviya Nagar, New Delhi,
N.D. Pandoli, Convenor, Amiya & B.G. Rao Foundation, New Delhi,
Prof. Dinesh Mohan, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Delhi,
Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM), Howrah, W. Bengal,
S.P. Udayakumar, South Asian Community Centre Education and Research Trust, Nagercoil, TN,
L.S.M. Hasan Fisal, Advocate, High Court, Chennai, India,

Syed Fahad Ahmad Burney, Ms Shaheen Burney,  Vice-Chairs, Ansar Burney Trust, Karachi, Pakistan
Prof. M. Ismail, Chair,  RISE, Peshawar,
A.H.Nayyar, Francisco d`Sa, Citizens Peace Committee, Rawalpindi/Islamabad,
Muhammad Sharif Bajwa, Human Rights Foundation, Islamabad,
All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU), Islamabad,

Amal Basha, Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights, Sa`A, Yemen,
Faroul Abu Eisa, Arab Lawyers Union, Cairo, Egypt,
Ibrahim Nawar, Arab Press Freedom Watch, Lond,
Ayman Rabeh, Arab Association of Young Lawyers,
Boudjema Ghechir, President, Algerian League for Human Rights,
Sama Aweida, Coordinator, Arab Womens Forum-Aisha, East Jerusalem,
Sama Aweida, Womens Study Centre, Palestine,
Palestinian Council for Peace and Justice (PCJP), Ramallah, Palestine,
Dr Violette Daguerre, Arab Commission for Human Rights, (France)

Danis Christofinis, Secy, Cyprus Peace Council, Cyprus,

Gila Svirsky, Coalition of Women for Peace, Israel,
Penina Feiler, Women in Black, Kibbutz Yad-Hannah, Israel,
Annelien Kisch, New Profile, Israel,
Yaniv-Mizrohi, GP-MED,
Abraham Weizfeld, Jewish Peoples Liberation Organisation,  Montreal, Canada,


Abdul Karim Meho, Kurdish Democratic Party, Beirut, Lebanon,
Ayman Jallad, President, Humanitarian Group for Social Development, Beirut, Lebanon,
Stephen Stanton, Chair, Cedar Watch, Lebanon/Lond/Aust, 

MV Faruque, Youth Approach to Development and Cooperation (YADC), Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Dr M.A. Bari, Coordinator, Integrated Child Health Organisation,
Ameer H. Chowdhury, Institute for Environment and Development Studies Dhaka,  

Chauyen Lai Shrestha, President, Youth Alliance for Development (YADC), Nepal,
Chauyen lai Shrestha, Secy-General, International Youth Cooperation Council-Nepal,
Chauyen Lai Shrestha, Director, Association of World Citizens-Nepal,
Ms Sarmila Adhikari, Chair, Women and Environment Development Organisation, Kathmandhu,

Irene Xavier, President, Friends of Women, Selangor, Malaysia,
Ron Mc Coy, Chair, Malaysian Physicians Against Nuclear War, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia,
Bishan Singh, Sustainable Development Network (SUSDEN), Malaysia,

Sinapan Samidorai, President,  THINK-Centre, Singapore,

Rukha Sambolinggi, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) Jakarta,
Kelick Ismunanto, Peoples Democratic Party, Indonesia,
Lonnenga Ginting, WALHI/Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Jakarta, 

Leslie Dahanaike, President, Abdul Careem Shahul Hameed, Secy,  Union of Journalists of Sri Lanka, Colombo,
Leslie Dahanaike, Journalists for Peace, Colombo, Sri Lanka,

Corazon Valdes-Fabros, No Nukes Asia,
Corazon Valdes-Fabros, Nuclear-Free Phillipines Coalition, Quezon City, Phillipines,
Corazon Valdes-Fabros, Convenor, Gathering for Peace, Quezon City, Phillipines,
Frances Q. Quimpo, KALIKASAN - Peoples Network for the Environment, Quezon City,
Sonny Melencio, Vice-Chair, Bukluran ng Manggawang Pilipino, Quezon City,
Maria Finesa A. Cosico, AGHAM,
Sonia S. Mendoza, Mother Earth Unlimited, Quezon City, Phillipines,
Lou Valencia Arseno,  Caritas Manila,
Aurora A. Parong, PEACE CAMP, Quezon City, Phillipines,
Max De Mesa, Task Force Detainees of the Phillipines, 
Herbert Docena, Focus on the Global South,
Dr Reynaldo Lesaca, Chair, Dr Joseph Carabeo, Secy, Health Alliance for Democracy, Phillipines,
Boyette Jurcales, Secy-General,  BAYAN, 
Ferdinand R. Gaite, COURAGE, Quezon City,
Congressman J. V. Bautista, SANLAKAS, Quezon City,
John Witeck, Phillipine Workers Support Committee, Honululu,


Bu Young Lee, Gou Tae Kim, National Council for Peace on the Korean Penninsula
Bu  Young Lee, Independent Congressman
Gou Tae Kim, Congressman, New Democratic Party,
Cheong Wooksik, Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea (CNPK) Seoul, South Korea,
Mr Choi Yul, President, Mr Lim Gil Jin President, Seo Joo Wan, Secy-General, Yeonji Kim, Park Jin Sub, Myung Ho, Kim Nak Jung,   Korean Federation of Environmental Movements (KFEM)/ Friends of the Earth Korea,, Seoul, Korea,
Yoomi Jeong, Korea Truth Commission, Pyongyang/Seoul/Tokyo/NY
Hyun Sook Lee, Women Making Peace (Korea),
Prof Dae-Hwa Chung, Political Science Dept, Pusan National University, Korea,

Kenjiro Yokoro, Secy General, JPPNW, Hiroshima, Japan,
Atsusi Fujioka, Institute for Peace and Human Rights, Kyoto, Japan,
Atsuhi Fujioka, World Peace Development Centre, Kyoto, Japan,
Satomi Oba, Plutonium Action Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 
Prof Mitei Murata, (fmr Ambassador), Tokai Gakuen University, Japan,

Motarilavoa Hilda Lini, Pacific Concerns Resource Centre, Suva, Fiji,

Senator Roberto Saturnino, Brasilia, Brasil,
Dina Lida Kinoshita, Brasil Peace Council, Sao Palo, Brasil,
Luis Guttierez, Latin-American Circle for International Studies (LACIS), Mexico City, Mexico,
Rocio Tame Barcenas, Raul Tame Barcenas, Mexico Peace Council,
Nuri Fernandez, Red de Sociedad Civil, Mexico City, Mexico,
Mexico Por la Paz,
Jean Patterson, San Jose Friends Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica,
Jorge Valls, Presidente, Roberto Simeon, Secretario, Partido Social-Revolucionario Democratico de Cuba,

Julio Grace de Haro, APDH Bariloche, Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina,
Raul Montenegro, FUNAM, Cordoba, Argentina, 

Dr Charles Y. Brempong-Yeboah MP,  State House, Accra, Ghana,
Maria Donata Watodonha, MP, Tanzanian National Assembly, Dodoma, Tanzania,
Hon. Dr Diodorus Buberwa Kamala MP, Parliament of Tanzania,
Patrick O. Onyango, Citizens Coalition for Constitutional Change, Kenya,
Nnimmo Bassey, Friends of the Earth Nigeria/Environmental Rights Action (ERA) Benin City, Nigeria,

Commander Robert D. Green, Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch, Aotearoa/NZ,
Briar Maaroufi, Nelson Peace Group, Nelson, New Zealand,
Larry Ross, Secy/Founder, New Zealand Nuclear-free Peacemaking Association, Christchurch, NZ,
Robert E. White, Director, Centre for Peace Studies, Auckland University,
Desmond Brough, Chair, National Consultative Committee on Peace and Disarmament, (NCCPD),
Desmond Brough, Chair, Peace Council Aotearoa/NZ,
Lei Clifford, Peace Action Kapiti, Aotearoa/NZ
Marion Hancock, Director, Peace Foundation, Aotearoa/NZ, Auckland NZ,
Maire Leadbeater, Indonesian Human Rights Committee, Auckland, NZ,
Tony Maturin, Wellington Quakers Peace and Public Questions Committee,
Hon Matt Robson MP, New Zealand Parliament, Deputy Leader of the Progressive Party, Former Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control.
Keith Locke MP, Greens Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs,
Rod Donald MP, Green Party Co-Leader,
Jeanette Fitzsimmons MP, Green Party Co-Leader,   

Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja, Australian Democrats, SA,
Senator Andrew Bartlett, Leader, Democrats, (Qld)
Senator Lyn Alison, Australian Democrats, Vic,
Senator Brian Grieg, Australian Democrats W.A.,
Senator Kerry Nettle, Greens, NSW,
Senator George Campbell, ALP NSW,
Kelly Hoare MHR, ALP Member for Charlton, NSW,
Harry Jenkins MP, Federal Member for Scullin, Australia
Harry Quick MHR, ALP Member for Franklin, Tas,
Jill Hall MHR, ALP Member for Shortland NSW,
Tanya Plibersek MHR, ALP Member for Sydney, NSW,
Jann Mc Farlane MHR, Member for Stirling, W.A.,
Carmen Lawrence MHR, Member for Fremantle, W.A.,
Martin Ferguson MHR, Member for Batman, Vic,
Laurie Ferguson MHR, Member for Reid, NSW,
Maria Vamvakinou MHR, Member for Calwell,
Michele O` Byrne MHR, Federal member for Bass, Tasmania,
Sandra Kanck MLC, State Parliamentary Leader, Australian Democrats, SA,
Christine Sharp, MLC, Greens,  Legislative Council W.A.,
Giz Watson MLC, Greens, Legislative Council, W.A.,
Dee Margetts MLC, Greens, Legislative Council, W.A.,
Kerrie Tucker MLC Greens, ACT Legislative Assembly,
Meredith Burgmann MLC, President, NSW Legislative Council, Sydney,
Ian Cohen MLC Greens, NSW Legislative Council,
Lee Rhiannon MLC Greens, NSW Legislative Council,
Sylvia Hale MLC, Greens, NSW Legislative Council,
Clover Moore MLC, NSW Legislative Council,
Ian Gilfillan MLC, Democrats, SA,
Brendan Toohey, Vice President, Australian Democrats, Tasmania,
John Rolls, Australian Democrats S..A.,
Don Sinnamon, Deputy President, Australian Democrats Queensland, Fortitude Valley, Qld,
Deb Foskey, International Secy, Australian Greens,
Irene Gale, Australian Peace Committee, Adelaide,
Sue Gilbey,  Secy, Australian Peace Committee South Australia,
Babs Fuller-Quinn, Australian Peace Committee Sydney,
Doreen Borrow, Australian Peace Committee South Coast,
Hiroshima Day Committee Wollongong,
NOWAR  Committee Wollongong,
Pauline Mitchell, Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD) Melb,
Margaret Reynolds (pres) David Purnell, United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA),
Rita Warleigh, International Volunteers for Peace (IVP) Sydney, Aust
Angela Drury, People for Nuclear Disarmament (PND) NSW, Surry Hills, NSW,
Jo Vallentine, People for Nuclear Disarmament (PND)-W.A., Maylands W.A.,
Michael Priceman, People Against a Nuclear Reactor, Sutherland, NSW,
Judy Blyth, Anti-Nuclear Alliance of W.A., (ANAWA),
Annemarie Hildinger, Community Antinuclear Network of W.A., (CANNWA), Maylands, W.A.,
Irati-Wanti-Kungatjuta Campaign Office, Coober Pedy, SA,
Dave Sweeney, National Nuclear Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) Carlton, Vic,
James Courtney, Campaigner, Greenpeace Australia-Pacific, Sydney, NSW, 
John Seed, Rainforest Information Centre, Lismore NSW,
Kirsten Blair, Environment Centre of the Northern Territory (ECNT) Darwin NT,
Peter Murphy, SEARCH Foundation, Broadway, NSW,
Iggy Kim, Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP), Chippendale, NSW,
Fouad Elhage, Australian-Iraqi Friendship Association, 
Kel Dummett, Global Justice Inc, RMIT Melb,
Ben Leeman, Borderlands Cooperative, Melb, Vic,
Leigh Hubbard, Secy, Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC), Carlton, Vic,
Dr Mike Donaldson, State Secy, National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) NSW,
Howard Guille, Secy, NTEU-Queensland,
Barbara Meyer,  Secy, Canberra Program for Peace,  ACT, Aust,
Joan Shears, Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Brisb,
Annette Brownlie, Just Peace, Brisbane, Qld,
Don Sinnamon/Adrian Skerrit, Queensland Peace Network, Brisb,
David Johnson, Australian Campaign Against the Arms Trade (ACAAT), Atherton, Qld,
Peter Strong, Ohms Not Bombs, Sydney NSW,
Giji Gya, Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW) Melb Vic,
Jan de Voogt, Quaker Peace and Justice, Surry Hills, NSW,
Gillian Paxton, Convenor, Hobart Quaker Peace and Justice,
Rev. Ray Richmond, Wayside Chapel, Uniting Church in Australia, Potts Pt, NSW,
Margaret Hinchey, Convenor, Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace (CCJP),
Peter Faulkner, Catholic Earthcare Commission, Adelaide, SA,
David Carter, Minister, Clayton-Wesley Uniting Church, Beulah Pk SA,
Rev. Neil Tolliday, Uniting Church Ocean Grove, Vic,
John Queripel, Wauchope and District Uniting Church, NSW,
Rosemary Carter, Minister, Marion-Warrhdale Congregation, Beulah Pk SA,
Michael and June Hillier, Ministers, Whyalla Anglican Church, SA,
Anne Lane, President, Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes, NSW,
Keysar Trad, Lebanese Moslem Association, Lakemba, NSW,
Imam Taj Aldin Alhilali, Mufti of Australia, Lakemba Islamic Centre,
Mary Porter AM, Volunteering in ACT, Belconnen, ACT,
Dr Patricia Meckelburg, Social Change and Social Equity Centre, Murdoch University, Perth, W.A.,
Bea Bliele, UNE Community for Peace and Freedom, UNE, Armidale, NSW,
Phillipa Clarkson, Kuranda Partners for Peace, Kuranda, Qld,
Jane Holden, Cairns Peace Coalition, Cairns, Qld,
Michele Misiewicz, 2020 Global Peace Trust, Sydney, Aust,
Therese Self-Van-Wegen, Peace Works Unlimited,  Geelong, Vic,
Lynette Dumble, Global Sisterhood Network,
Frank Barbaro, FILEF, Adelaide, SA,
Hanna-Gee Clough, Artivism Theatre, Brisb,
Campbell Manderson, SKA-TV, Channel-31,  Carlton, Melb,
John Hallam, Nuclear Weapons Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Australia, Sydney,


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